Submit documents online to Alberta Seniors Financial Assistance

Safely and easily upload digital files of your applications, supporting documents and claims.

Fill in the required information, then upload and submit at least 1 document related to Seniors Financial Assistance programs.

Upload documents:

  • You can upload documents in these file formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF
  • Maximum of 5 files per session
  • All files submitted at the same time can total 120 MB
  • Make sure files are not password protected
Please note you will be prompted back to this page if you need to submit additional files.

Choose File to Upload Remove File

Choose File to Upload Remove File

Choose File to Upload Remove File

Choose File to Upload Remove File

Choose File to Upload Remove File

Privacy: The personal information provided to Alberta Seniors and Housing, including information provided by the Canada Revenue Agency, is collected under the authority of the Seniors Benefit Act (RSA 2000) and the Seniors Benefit Act General Regulation and managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSA 2000). The information will be used for the purpose of administering the Seniors Financial Assistance Programs, including the Alberta Seniors Benefit, Special Needs Assistance for Seniors, and Dental and Optical Assistance for Seniors programs.